Thursday, September 3, 2009

Candy and Stellar Collapse

inside and out

I am an ever rotten and
rotting rainbow.

I enjoy eating

myself in public,

while simultaneously sucking
on the lollipop of failure

to kill myself; it is shaped like a word
and its shine is similar to that of a sad and sickening


Sometimes my ugliness
causes me to vomit all over those I supposedly
as they drink

in my melting color through
a very long straw; as they gaze
up at me and praise me
for my distinctive and divine

to grow knives out of my eyes.
It's all so nauseating
that it causes me to vomit a second time
in and endless

orgasm of refracted self-destruction.

In this way,
I have defied the inevitability of death and
will live forever

...just thought you should know.

Pink Blossoms on a Wolf's Tongue

Stills from Stellet Licht (Silent Light) by Carlos Reyagadas (2007)

born in the nucleus of
the Rabbit King

the poor in spirit brought warm winter soup
and lambs unto slaughter wore garlands around
their throats
and all the angels above sang light from

open wrists

but the baby just drooled on the ground
it just foamed from the mouth

like a rabid dog

it grew old as water's glow waned
and dug for treasures hidden inside its



and rose higher and farther into the sky until
in the womb of a black star,
it died

crying and laughing
at the same time